Mesothelioma Education Resources

Canadian Cancer Society Search mesothelioma in the search bar to find "What is mesothelioma?"
This website provides information on signs and symtoms, diagnosis and staging,
treatment, supportive care, statistics and much more.
Canadian Mesothelioma Foundation
This organization is dedicated to raising awareness and understanding about
mesothelioma in Canada. This website provides information on treatment, health
insurance, the Canadian Mesothelioma Patient Support Network, patient and caregiver
support groups, educational and support events across Canada. It also provides links to
legal resources and much more.
This website provides information on symptoms and signs, treatment options, coping
with side effects, statistics, diagnostics and after treatment.
Ontario Ministry of Labour – Asbestos Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
The FAQs have information on how workers are protected from exposure to asbestos,
rules about potential exposure, safe work in Ontario and much more.
National Cancer Institute Search mesothelioma in the search bar.
This organization is part of the National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and
Human Services. This website provides up-to-date and reliable information on different
types of cancer and its treatment, including mesothelioma.
MedlinePLUS – Mesothelioma (malignant)
These MedlinePLUS entries include basic information and detailed illustrations of the
respiratory system.
MedlinePLUS – Mesothelioma (benign-fibrous)
TheseMedlinePLUS entries include basic information and detailed illustrations of the
respiratory system


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