The earlier it is detected, the better the tongue cancer prognosis. If you have more than two of the following symptoms, you should see your dentist or doctor. If you do have tongue or another oral cancer, early diagnosis and treatment leads to the most favorable tongue cancer prognosis. Men over 40 years of age who smoke, chew tobacco, drink alcohol to excess, frequently experience canker sores, and those with a family history of cancer are at higher risk than the rest of the population. Tongue or other mouth cancer symptoms include mouth sores that do not heal within 2 weeks, lesions, lumps, problems swallowing, general soreness in the mouth, changes in speech, numbness, pain when you chew, a change in your bite and bleeding. Tongue blisters are not a common sign of cancer. If you have any of these symptoms you should consult your health care provider. If they do not take your symptoms seriously, be insistent. Remember that the best tongue cancer prognosis is for those who are diagnosed early.

There are a number of options for tongue cancer treatment. The goals of treatment include getting rid of the tumor, preventing the cancer from spreading, retaining function of the mouth, and helping the patient survive. Treatment options include surgery to remove the tumor, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy in the event that the cancer might have spread. Reconstructive surgery may be necessary after treatment to restore function of speech, chewing, and swallowing. Changes in lifestyle are also a significant factor in preventing the likelihood of future occurrences of tongue cancer. As with any other cancer, tongue cancer prognosis is greatly improved with early diagnosis and when the patient is well informed and an active participant in the treatment plan. If you have any of these symptoms, be sure to seek a professional medical evaluation as soon as possible.


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