Plantar Fasciitis SymptomsIt may be easy to confuse plantar fasciitis symptoms with the occasional foot pains people commonly experience when they over exert themselves. However, when they do not go away on their own after a couple of weeks, it is safe to assume that your feet require medical assistance. The easiest way to determine that you have plantar fasciitis versus normal foot pain is the time period in which your symptoms are the worst. If you find it extremely difficult to walk after you get up due to heel pain in the morning, you are experiencing a symptom of plantar fasciitis.

Along with regular foot pain, it is not uncommon to have a tingling feeling in the heel of the foot. This tingling can be barely noticeable, irritating or just plain painful. You may unable to fully extend the arch as you walk, making your stride awkward and unsteady. Heel pain after running is another common sign of plantar fasciitis. 

Sharp, stabbing or shooting pains in this area of the foot is another indicator that plantar fasciitis treatment is on the horizon. Although this condition will not keep you from walking altogether, it may cause patients to walk more slowly and carefully. Keeping shoes on your feet at all time will prevent you from accidentally stepping on a sharp object, and thus, exasperating your plantar fasciitis symptoms. In some cases, a mild to moderate pain reliever is prescribed to lessen the pain. 

Multiple plantar fasciitis symptoms need to be apparent before a conclusive diagnosis can be made. Simply having reoccurring pain in the heels of your feet doesn’t necessarily mean that you have plantar fasciitis. Even sharp pains that keep you in bed all day does not indicate that plantar fasciitis surgery has to be performed. Instead, you should try to work through the pain as best as you can, by warming up the muscles with light activity and resting whenever you feel the pain worsening. If you are exhibiting more than one of the plantar fasciitis symptoms listed above, it is definitely in your best interest to have your doctor take a closer look.


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