Being able to identify the most commonly occurring ischemic stroke symptoms will help you to know when to seek immediate medical attention.
Having this knowledge can also help you to save someone else’s life. Here are the top five signs to look out for when you believe that you may be having an ischemic stroke.
1. Paralysis and tingling sensations – Sometimes a lack of circulation or non-life threatening disorders such as carpal tunnel can lead to tingling or numb limbs. However, one of the most common ischemic stroke symptoms includes temporary or permanent paralysis of the facial muscles and extremities.
2. Slurred speech – Even if you do not believe that you possess any known stroke risk factors, you will want to call your doctor immediately if you begin to have trouble speaking. This includes major changes in speech such as slurring.
3. Persistent headache – When plaque in arteries begins to collect, blood flow to the brain, heart, limbs and vital organs will be severely impacted. This can result in painful headaches.
4. Imbalance and dizziness – Some ischemic stroke symptoms are mild, but having difficulty staying balanced while standing or walking is a strong indication that something is wrong. If you feel dizzy when you stand up, or need to grab onto something to stay steady, you may be having a stroke.
5. Issues with vision – Even if you wear glasses, experiencing a sudden or dramatic change in your eyesight is not to be taken lightly. Many stroke victims experience blurred vision and a difficulty seeing objects both far away and close up. These ischemic stroke symptoms can be mild or quite severe. Stroke rehabilitation therapy may or may not help you to regain some of your lost eyesight over time.
Not everyone will experience these types of side effects, but they are the most commonly occurring. There are medicines that can be administered that will help these side effects to dissipate, but they are most helpful for patients that seek prompt medical care. Never ignore the symptoms of stroke so that you have a better chance of making a full recovery.


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