C. diff colitis is a common occurrence in hospitals and nursing homes. In fact, you have almost a 10% chance of ending up with it if you are in the hospital for 2 days or more. C Diff bacteria hangs out on everything, and a variant is even caused by antibiotics overuse. This infectious colitis can be difficult to treat and can sometimes be recurrent. Antibiotic associated colitis is an even odder condition to care for.

C diff colitis treatment in mild cases that are caused by antibiotic use are sometimes treatable simply by taking the patient off of the medication that caused it in the first place. In addition, any associated dehydration is also addressed as part of C diff colitis treatment. Oddly enough, even though antibiotics can be associated with the obtainment of this condition, they are also used in C diff colitis treatment, although not the same ones that were responsible for the initial illness. Medicines like vancomycin and metronidazole are frequently effective when taken for 10 days orally. Normally, metronidazole is used first because it is less expensive, and the vanomycin is used as a second line of defense if the first proves to be ineffective.

It’s important to consider that up to 20% of people who have undergone C diff treatment will experience a relapse. This could be for a number of reasons, but most often it’s because the first round of medication given did not fully remove the illness causing spores from the body. Once the antibiotic is stopped, and the spores have a chance to multiply again, the sickness returns, usually within 3-10 days. Another reason that relapse can occur is because the body has insufficient antibodies to fight the invaders.

C Diff colitis treatment is essential for removing the source of sickness from the body, and it’s important that if you have this condition that you properly follow your doctor’s instructions and take all of your prescribed medication. If you begin to feel sick again after running out of your medication, you should see your doctor right away to determine if you have or are having a relapse.


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