Although similar to other blood cancers, plasma cell leukemia is extremely rare. While doctors have found that stem cell transplant is the most effective form of treatment for this disease, it is also the most difficult to access.
If you do not have a comprehensive medical insurance plan, you may not be able to get access to hematopoietic stem cells or even be able to afford the procedure.

The causes of plasma cell leukemia are not that well understood. Mainly, members of the medical field believe that this is a hereditary condition that can be passed on from generation to generation. Plasma cell leukemia cannot be transmitted and it is not an airborne disease.

In order to treat this condition properly, in-depth testing will need to be performed. In some cases, a combination of cancer treatment medications can be used. However, success rates are still fairly low with this method. When compared to acute lymphoblastic leukemia, the end prognosis is not favorable. In other words, you may need to agree to undergo chemotherapy and take other drugs at the same time in order to increase your survival rates.

One of the first things that your doctor may do is order a bone marrow test. This will help to determine if there is a match among your closely related family members, or a match within the national bone marrow donor list. If a suitable match it not found, a bone marrow donor drive can be performed or you can elect to wait until a match is located elsewhere.

Plasma cell leukemia is an aggressive form of blood cancer that only affects a small portion of patients. While early detection is key, settling on an effective treatment plan is also critical. Bone marrow transplants can be painful, but they are also one of the most reliable ways to manage this disease. If you are able to have stem cell transplantation performed, do not delay. Everyday is crucial when PCL is concerned. Also consider going to an oncologist that is considered to be an expert in PCL before you agree to undergo any type of invasive treatment.


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