Believe it or not, there are foods that can cause an increase in the symptoms of endometriosis, and whether it’s avoiding certain foods, or eating more of others; you will want to pay attention to our top 10 list of foods for endometriosis sufferers. No matter if you’re trying to conceive or just get some relief, changing your diet could bring many benefits. Endometriosis is one of the common causes of infertility in women, and whether you’ve been diagnosed, or are just showing some of the signs of endometriosis, you can benefit from an endometriosis diet.

1. Green Vegetables: Part of a healthy endometriosis diet, and part of an overall healthy one, and women who eat lots of greens were substantially less likely to wind up with this condition.

2. Beans: Fiber is hugely fundamental in the avoidance of this uterine condition.

3. Essential Fatty Acids: Not only are they important to the body, they can also reduce some of the pain that is a result of this malady.

4. Pineapple: it has been suggested that abnormal tissues in the body can be dissolved with the powerful enzymes of this topical fruit.

5. Plain Chocolate: Get your non-heme iron which will need replaced due to bleeding with chocolate. What a tasty addition to an endometriosis diet.

6. Water: Drinking the recommended amount of water each day is important for staving off dehydration and allowing for important body processes to take place.

7. Fish: A great source of omega fatty acids and a good protein alternative to red meat (which should be avoided as part of an endometriosis diet.)

8. Papaya: An anti inflammatory that can be included in delicious smoothies or enjoyed fresh.

9. Chia Seeds: A dual purpose food, these seeds contain loads of fiber which removes excess estrogen and also contain beneficial fatty acids.

10. Cabbage: B Vitamin rich veggies also help the body excrete the removable form of estrogen, and picking up a few extra greens is good for other parts of the body as well.

Endometriosis and infertility are very closely related. This condition can create conditions that make pregnancy very difficult or impossible. If you are currently a sufferer of this condition, talk to your doctor about how your condition might be affecting your current female infertility treatment, and whether or not diet modifications are necessary or will be beneficial. Overall, a lot can be gained from healthy diet changes, and adding vegetables and fiber could help ease the symptoms of your condition whether or not you are trying to conceive.


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